CivCraft 1.0 Nether Road/Rail Maps

This is a link to historic CivCraft 1.0 nether road and rail maps. I have placed this up at the request of Flaminius. Dates of the maps linked here are inline with the world saves contained within the torrent release of the CivCraft 1.0 map. All dates shown are in ISO 8601 format.

The nether roads in CivCraft 1.0 were the work of many people. The "Road Crew" built the bulk of the roads, but many towns and individuals also built roads. All will be remebered!

The nether road map was the work of four people, so I must thank Strongman332, Celdecea, and Dr-Oracle.

The nether road map with all its commit history is and always will be on GitHub. Feel free to fork it, play with it, improve it, or just learn from it. It is open source and free for all.

hpoom - thanks for all the memories!